01:07:24 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: Hare Krishna Prabhuji, dandavats pranam 01:13:12 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: sometimes the place of preaching is not good for protecting one's KC and sadhana, so devotee chooses to to be in safe place how to understand this? Ultimately devotee's goal is to dive deeper into Lords pastimes and tattva and seva? 01:14:00 Divya Ananda Das: Hare Krishna prabhu, how to structure our hearing process , in other words how to plan ? There is so much to hear these days? 01:18:53 Divya Agarwal: I am inspired to take shelter of a guru. However, as we heard yesterday the guru also needs to accept us. How is that possible if we are not able to personally associate with our guru. 01:18:56 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: yes prabhuji 01:19:04 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: tahnk you nsommuch 01:20:10 Divya Ananda Das: Thank you prabhuji!