00:28:04 Sonali Jog ( Saranagata): is it trishtup chand 00:43:32 Divya Agarwal: Hare Krishna… Since you spoke about Ayurveda, Although Ayurveda is authorized, then why it does not work in some ailments? And we end up taking shelter of Allopathy? 00:48:03 Muktasanga dasa: Chapter 1 rishis says Suthagoswami is akyathani api adithani.. he is well versed with all scriptues and its explanation and history. So how in this chapter it says except some vedic shastras he is well versed. Isn't it contradictory? what are the life spans of Treta yuga and dvapura yuga if it is in different order in other milleniums? 01:07:39 Vineet Vinayak: https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/2015/06/how-do-we-understand-the-statement-that-women-are-less-intelligent/ Brilliant answer by HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhuji 01:09:23 Vineet Vinayak: https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/2012/01/why-are-women-considered-less-intelligent/ 01:25:37 Amrta Gaurangi Devi Dasi: Hare Krishna Prabhu, is there no class tomorrow prabhu? 01:25:41 Sugandha Arora: SB 11.5.34 "tyaktvā su-dustyaja-surepsita-rājya-lakṣmīṁ  dharmiṣṭha ārya-vacasā yad agād araṇyam māyā-mṛgaṁ dayitayepsitam anvadhāvad  vande mahā-puruṣa te caraṇāravindam" O Mahā-puruṣa, I worship Your lotus feet. You gave up the association of the goddess of fortune and all her opulence, which is most difficult to renounce and is hankered after by even the great demigods. Being the most faithful follower of the path of religion, You thus left for the forest in obedience to a brāhmaṇa’s curse. Out of sheer mercifulness You chased after the fallen conditioned souls, who are always in pursuit of the false enjoyment of illusion, and at the same time engaged in searching out Your own desired object, Lord Śyāmasundara. 01:27:09 Shyāmā Kishori Devi Dāsi: Thank you Vineet Prabhuji 01:29:03 Sandeep Bhardwaj: In kaliyug all are kshudra 🙏 01:32:52 Divya Agarwal: Sorry couldn’t unmute. 01:33:43 Shyamavallabhi dd: Rasaraj prji 01:33:52 Swati Darvesh: Mukunda pr 01:37:10 Divya Agarwal: I had one more question, please unmute me 01:37:56 Vineet Vinayak: If you record the class, the text from comments gets stored on the host's computer