00:07:50 Sonali Jog ( Saranagata): why Asuri Brahmana? 00:19:40 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: Hare Krishna Pr, Prthu Maharaj, Balana shakti means? 00:20:12 Sonali Jog ( Saranagata): Its - Palan Shakti 00:20:17 BV Amrta Gaurangi: I think Prabhu said Paalana shakti, meaning ruling power 00:20:55 Vineet Vinayak: Prabhuji does each avatar of the Lord have a frequency of appearance? what is it? 00:21:42 Muktasanga dasa: 1) Devarshi NaradaMuni is third avatara of the Lord. Narada muni explains that in his previous birth he was as a son of maid servant. In his previous life, was that an incarnation too? 2) Since young age, we have been hearing only 10 avataras. How do you segregate these 22 incarnations and dashavataras? 3) These 22 incarnations are either one or more combinations of all six types of avataras? 00:33:48 Sowjanya Guduru: Did all these incarnations happened in order of the number sequence explained 1 to 20 00:44:42 Sonali Jog ( Saranagata): Isn't Balimaharajs wife considered as very great devotee? who was she ? what was her background ? 00:46:53 Saroja Nandini dd: After Bali Maharaj surrendered himself to Krishna, why was he given Rasatala,which comes in the lower planetary system? Also, is it more opulent than Indraloka(swargaloka)? 00:52:10 Sonali Jog ( Saranagata): Each awatav and pupose (leela) are mentioned ) but only purpose of Kalki avatar is not mentioned clearly but all others with leelas are described. 00:57:48 Divya Ananda Das: https://vedabase.io/en/library/cc/antya/20/37/ 01:09:36 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: 1) While Nitya dharma is not to be disturbed by any reason Of Naimittika dharma it was said even when some Sutaka happens at family like ( death, birth, etc.) it should not be stopped or disturbed. But is it ok to keep the deity workship continued at home, is pancharathrika Vidhi or deity worship stands say it should not be done for few day in those houses? Or is it only for Shaligram worship like that? 2)When Krishna came as son of Devaki and Vasudev as SwayamBhagavan can it it be called incarnation as He us avathari, is Avatar and incarnation or different ? 3) Are all Shakti Avesha Avathara of some elevated souls are actually Nithya Siddha’s in spiritual world and has come for some purpose OR even conditioned souls after purification becoming pure devotees can be also Shakti Avesha Avathara? 01:12:15 Radhanam das: Hare Krishna Prabhuji, if all the acharyas and their philosophy are correct, why does prabhupad stress achintya abheda bhed over mayavad philosophy preached shankaracharya 01:12:34 Bhagavati Vasudha Devi Dasi: What is addressing 'Dev' like Narasimha Dev, Varaha Dev? It is also used for Indra Dev, who is demi god is this common addressing both Lord and demigod? 01:16:10 Rām Shyām Dās: TEXT 17 TEXT ivNDYaavil/STadaGaTYa PaÒq Jaal/k-Maail/Naq ) AaiNaNYae k-l/Xa& hEMaMavNaeJaNYaPaa& >a*TaMa( )) 17 )) vindhyävalis tadägatya patné jälaka-mäliné äninye kalaçaà haimam avanejany-apäà bhåtam TRANSLATION Bali Mahäräja's wife, known as Vindhyävali, who was decorated with a necklace of pearls, immediately came and had a large golden waterpot brought there, full of water with which to worship the Lord by washing His feet. 01:17:39 Rām Shyām Dās: sb/8/20/17