00:34:08 Amrta Gaurangi Devi Dasi: unable to unmute 01:10:19 Aradhya Madhavi Devi Dasi: Sanket Bihari 01:21:18 Manjubhasini: Rupa Goswami has written this song “Anga Syamalima Chatabhir”. The official name of this song is Concluding Prayer. This song is taken from the book Stavamala. In this song, Rupa Goswami sings the glories of Lord Damodara. ańga-śyāmalima-chaṭābhir abhito mandī-kṛtendīvaraḿ jāḍyam- jāguḍa-rociṣām- vidadhatam- paṭṭāmbarasya śriyā vṛndāraṇya-vilāsinam- hṛdi lasad-dāmābhir āmodaraḿ ādhā-skandha-niveśitojjvala-bhujam- dhyāyema dāmodaram TRANSLATION On Lord Damodara, whose dark bodily luster embarrasses the blue lotus flowers, the splendor of whose silken garments stuns the glory of yellow kuìkuma, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest, whose chest is fragrant with a brilliant flower garland, and whose magnificent arm rests on Radha’s shoulder, let us meditate. 01:27:44 Muktasanga dasa: Did Duryodhan go to higher planets after death? 01:34:37 Rām Shyām Dās: aprarabdha-phalam papam kutam bijam phalonmukham kramenaiva praliyeta visnu-bhakti-ratatmanam 01:35:10 Rām Shyām Dās: 15.169 - Caitanya-caritamrta: Madhya-lila 01:36:54 Rām Shyām Dās: in Purport 01:36:56 Rām Shyām Dās: aprārabdha-phalaṁ pāpaṁ kūṭaṁ bījaṁ phalonmukham krameṇaiva pralīyeta viṣṇu-bhakti-ratātmanām “There are different stages of dormant reactions to sinful activities to be observed in a sinful life. Sinful reactions may be just waiting to take effect [phalonmukha], reactions may be still further dormant [kūṭa], or the reactions may be in a seedlike state [bīja]. In any case, all types of sinful reactions are vanquished one after another if a person engages in the devotional service of Lord Viṣṇu.” 01:36:58 Asha: Hare Krishna Prabhuji , I am not a pure devotee and not initiated , but if there is complete surrender and faith In Krishna , Krishna forgive me with the bodily sins and help the soul in its journey back to Him , not liberation but Only Have Him Dandavat pranam 🙏🏻🙏🏻 01:55:34 Sandeep Bhardwaj: Dvadash Chandr, Kritasthal Mangal, Buddh Viruddh, Suru - Guru Bank. Yaddi Dasam Bhavann Bhrigusut, Mand Suketu Janam Ke Ank. Ashtam Rahu, Chaturth Divamani, Tau Harivansh Karat Na Sank. Jo Pai Krishn Charan Man Arpit, Tau Kari Hain Kaha Navagrah Rank. - Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu, Shri Hit Sphut Vani (1) Shri Hita Harivansh Mahaprabhu says that in your horoscope if there is ‘Chandra’ [moon] in the Twelfth house, ‘Mangal’ [mars planet] in the Fourth house, opposite ‘Budh’ [mercury planet], ‘Brahspati’ [Jupiter planet] in the wrong direction, ‘Shukra’ [Venus planet] in the Tenth house, ‘Shani’ [saturn] and ‘Ketu’ [Dragon Tail] together [which is considered inauspicious], ‘Rahu’ [Dragon Head] in the Eighth house and Sungod In the Fourth House; still do not fear even after all of the planetary positions because If your mind is devoted to the lotus feet of Shri Krishn [Supreme God], then how can these nine planets (compared to beggars) harm you? 01:58:49 Sandeep Bhardwaj: HG Aindra Pr took shelter of Harinam 02:00:19 Asha: Prabhuji, Hare Krishna please allow me to ask the question 🙏🏻