01:10:41 Raj Das: ❤️🙏 01:26:15 Rām Shyām Dās: ŚB 12.13.18 श्रीमद्भ‍ागवतं पुराणममलं यद्वैष्णवानां प्रियं यस्मिन् पारमहंस्यमेकममलं ज्ञानं परं गीयते । तत्र ज्ञानविरागभक्तिसहितं नैष्कर्म्यमाविष्कृतं तच्छृण्वन् सुपठन् विचारणपरो भक्त्या विमुच्येन्नर: ॥ १८ ॥ śrīmad-bhāgavataṁ purāṇam amalaṁ yad vaiṣṇavānāṁ priyaṁ yasmin pāramahaṁsyam ekam amalaṁ jñānaṁ paraṁ gīyate tatra jñāna-virāga-bhakti-sahitaṁ naiṣkarmyam āviskṛtaṁ tac chṛṇvan su-paṭhan vicāraṇa-paro bhaktyā vimucyen naraḥ 01:26:38 Rām Shyām Dās: Translation Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the spotless Purāṇa. It is most dear to the Vaiṣṇavas because it describes the pure and supreme knowledge of the paramahaṁsas. This Bhāgavatam reveals the means for becoming free from all material work, together with the processes of transcendental knowledge, renunciation and devotion. Anyone who seriously tries to understand Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, who properly hears and chants it with devotion, becomes completely liberated. 01:36:54 Ajinkya Ambike: vaiṣṇavera nindā karibeka yāra gaṇa tāra rakṣā sāmarthya nāhika kona jana śūlapāṇi-sama yadi vaiṣṇavere ninde tathāpiha nāśa yāya — kahe śāstra-vṛnde 01:37:00 Madhumati priyasaki dd: Its mentioned in ŚB 5.10.25 01:37:20 Madhumati priyasaki dd: “One who blasphemes a Vaiṣṇava cannot be protected by anyone. Even if a person is as strong as Lord Śiva, if he blasphemes a Vaiṣṇava he is sure to be destroyed. This is the verdict of all śāstras. If one does not care for the verdict of the śāstras and dares blaspheme a Vaiṣṇava, he suffers life after life because of this.”