00:36:33 Rām Shyām Dās: govinda govinda hare murāre govinda govinda mukunda kṛṣṇa govinda govinda rathāńga-pāṇe govinda dāmodara mādhaveti 00:36:47 Rām Shyām Dās: http://kksongs.org/songs/a/agrekurunamatha.html 00:54:55 Kasturi Manjari dasi: And the beauty is Bhismadeva and Arjuna are on opposite side 01:16:18 Rām Shyām Dās: ŚB 3.25.21 तितिक्षव: कारुणिका: सुहृद: सर्वदेहिनाम् । अजातशत्रव: शान्ता: साधव: साधुभूषणा: ॥ २१ ॥ titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ , suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ , sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ The symptoms of a sādhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime. 01:17:21 Divyangi Lalita dd: kṣāntir avyartha-kālatvaṁ viraktir māna-śūnyatā āśā-bandhaḥ samutkaṇṭhā nāma-gāne sadā ruciḥ āsaktis tad-guṇākhyāne prītis tad-vasati-sthale ity ādayo 'nubhāvāḥ syur jāta-bhāvāṅkure jane SYNONYMS kṣāntiḥ—forgiveness; avyartha-kālatvam—being free from wasting time; viraktiḥ—detachment; māna-śūnyatā—absence of false prestige; āśā-bandhaḥ—hope; samutkaṇṭhā—eagerness; nāma-gāne—in chanting the Holy names; sadā—always; ruciḥ—taste; āsaktiḥ—attachment; tat—of Lord Kṛṣṇa; guṇa-ākhyāne—in describing the transcendental qualities; prītiḥ—affection; tat—His; vasati-sthale—in places of residence (the temple or holy places); iti—thus; ādayaḥ—and so on; anubhāvāḥ—the signs; syuḥ—are; jāta—developed; bhāva-aṅkure—whose seed of ecstatic emotion; jane—in a person. TRANSLATION " 'When the seed of ecstatic emotion for Kṛṣṇa fructifies, the following nine symptoms manifest in one's behavior: forgiveness, concern that time should not be wasted, detachment, absence of false prestige, hope, eagerness, a taste for chanting the holy 01:17:39 Ananya Karanth: https://vedabase.io/en/library/cc/madhya/23/18-19/ 01:18:52 Sacimata dd: CC Madhya 23.18-19 / BRS 1.3.25-26 01:35:48 Jog, Sonali CTR (NHTSA): Parshuram also enjoyed Virya Rasa by fighting with BhishmaDev 01:50:22 Sarmistha Priyadarshini: vrindavan dham ki jay