00:22:47 Parima: Chitraketu 00:24:43 Rām Shyām Dās: śrī-viṣṇoḥ śravaṇe parīkṣid abhavad vaiyāsakiḥ kīrtane prahlādaḥ smaraṇe tad-aṅghri-bhajane lakṣmīḥ pṛthuḥ pūjane akrūras tv abhivandane kapi-patir dāsye ’tha sakhye ’rjunaḥ sarvasvātma-nivedane balir abhūt kṛṣṇāptir eṣāṁ param 00:34:43 Madhumati priyasaki dd: SB:2.1.11 - "etan nirvidhyamananam" verse purport Prabhupada emphasises this "Here it is mentioned that one should constantly chant the holy name of the Lord after hearing it from authorities. This means that hearing from the authorities is the first essential." 00:38:35 SHREYA: time of uttarayan 01:10:27 Shyam Chandra Das: Prabhu can you kindly clarify how bliss can be experienced in Brahmeti feature bliss is an outcome of a reciprocation which seems to be absent in Brahmajyoti 01:25:13 Jog, Sonali CTR (NHTSA): We spoke about Krishna's birth, He was born in Vrindavan as twin brother of Maya to Yashoda and Krishna also born to Devaki too ...both merged and when Akrura came they both separated . In purport specifically Prabhupada mentions parth-Sarathi-Krishna and Vrindavan Krishna is non different can you please explain about it more. 01:57:29 Rām Shyām Dās: Regarding question of "Fall down from brahmajyoti " 13 Compilations (from Çréla Prabhupäda's words) 69-07 “Regarding your question, ’What is the difference between spirit souls comprising of the brahmajyoti and the spirit souls here in maya?’ In the brahmajyoti the spirit souls on account of their impersonal views are devoid of a body, exactly like here in maya there are ghosts who are devoid of any gross bodies. The ghost, being devoid of a body, he suffers terribly because he is unable to satisfy his senses. The spirit souls in the brahmjyoti, although they have no desire for sense gratification, still feel the inconvenience like a ghost, and they fall down again in the maya’s atmosphere and develop a material body. In the Bhagavata therefore it is said that persons who are impersonalists and do not develop the dormant devotional attitude, their intelligence is not pure, because for want of a spiritual body, they come down again to the material world. 02:05:01 Shantaradhikadd: about exam can i ask 02:05:14 Shantaradhikadd: questions and answers